Tag Archives: traces

New study traces the origins of marsupials in N. America, find mammals during age of dinosaurs packed a powerful bite

A new study by paleontologists describes an early marsupial relative called Didelphodon vorax that lived alongside ferocious dinosaurs and had, pound-for-pound, the strongest bite force of any mammal ever recorded. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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How our discovery of microbe traces in ancient rocks on Earth could help us find life on Mars

NASA Rover Finds Conditions Once Suited for Ancient Life on Mars One of the most tantalising questions in science is whether there is or ever has been life on Mars, at least in microbial form. But despite plenty of effort … Continue reading

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Traces of failed Super-eruption in the Andes

The Chao volcano in northern Chile with a lava coul?e approx. 14.5 km long (centre of picture). The composition of the lava matches that of deposits of adjacent supervolcanic calderas. Chao erupted about 75,000 years ago, but zircon crystals in … Continue reading

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Ancient DNA evidence traces origin of horses’ smooth ride

Horses have held an important place in human history since ancient times. So-called ambling horses are particularly prized for their ability to travel in a way that’s comfortable for riders, with a smooth, four-beat rhythm. Earlier studies traced that easy … Continue reading

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Traces of islandic volcanoes in a northeastern German lake

Traces of volcanic ash originating from islandic volcanoes have been found in the sediments of Laker Tiefer See in the Nossentiner-Schwinzer Heide natural park in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. This allows to more precisely date climate changes of the last 11500 years. An … Continue reading

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Letta traces govt ‘road map’ with Napolitano

(By Denis Greenan). (ANSA) – Rome, December 2 – Premier Enrico Letta met President Giorgio Napolitano Monday night to trace the road map for a government whose balance of power has changed after the exit of Silvio Berlusconi following a … Continue reading

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