Tag Archives: Underwater

Underwater ‘lost city’ found to be geological formation

New research reveals how an underwater ‘lost city’ has been found to be a geological formation.The ancient underwater remains of what was thought to be a long lost Greek city, found close to the holiday island Zakynthos, were in fact … Continue reading

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Underwater ‘lost city’ found to be geological formation

The ancient underwater remains of a long lost Greek city were in fact created by a naturally occurring phenomenon — according to joint research from the University of East Anglia and the University of Athens (Greece). The ancient underwater remains … Continue reading

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Explosive underwater volcanoes were a major feature of ‘Snowball Earth’

Extensive underwater volcanism during ridge spreading led to rapid alteration of volcanic deposits and major changes in ocean chemistry. Credit: Gary Hincks Around 720-640 million years ago, much of the Earth’s surface was covered in ice during a glaciation that … Continue reading

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Underwater tunnel to bank vault found in Naples

(ANSA) – Naples, December 10 – Naples police divers on Tuesday discovered an underwater tunnel leading to a bank vault located just yards away from the police station. The four-meter-long tunnel reaches the adjoining wall of a Monte dei Paschi … Continue reading

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