Tag Archives: violent

Large, violent animal packs shaped the ecosystems of the Pleistocene epoch

Intense, violent attacks by large packs of some of the world’s biggest carnivores — including extinct lions much larger than those of today, and sabertooth cats — limited the population sizes of mammoths, mastodons and other species, and prevented widespread … Continue reading

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Prandelli cautions Italy may face FIFA ban for violent fans

P(see previous). (ANSA) Rome, May 5 – Italians “need to be governed” in order to avoid outbursts of soccer violence like the fan shooting and alleged ultra blackmail that marred the Italian Cup Final, national coach Cesare Prandelli said Monday.BR”We … Continue reading

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Renzi vows violent fight on bureaucracy

P(see related) (ANSA) – Milan, April 11 – Italian Premier Matteo Renzi on Friday vowed to wage a “violent fight against bureaucracy” in Italy. Speaking at a furniture fair in Milan, Renzi added that “politicians needed to start with themselves” … Continue reading

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Italian president condemns violent Rome protests

(ANSA) – Rome, November 22 – Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on Friday blasted protesters for violence in Rome on Wednesday during a visit from French President Francois Hollande. “We must oppose an ethic that does not nurture respect for the … Continue reading

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Here is the most violent explosions universe

(ANSA) – London, 17 APR–are the most violent explosions in the universe due to the death of stars 10 times larger than the Sun, that trigger the longest ever observed flashes of gamma (several hours). The discovery, announced at the … Continue reading

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