Tag Archives: WHALES

Listening for micro earthquakes, listening to mega whales within the Arctic

How does the sound of a tiny tremor of the earth differ from the sound of an enormous passing whale? That is without doubt one of the issues that scientists had to determine whereas listening for the sound of methane … Continue reading

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Fossil whales’ teeth shows what ferocious predators they were

The feeding habits of the whale — the world’s biggest animal — have evolved to filter feeding, shows new international research. Ancient whales appear to have been ferocious predators, investigators explain. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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Fossil whales’ teeth shows what ferocious predators they were

The feeding habits of the whale — the world’s biggest animal — have evolved to filter feeding, shows new international research. Ancient whales appear to have been ferocious predators, investigators explain. Strange & Offbeat: Fossils & Ruins News — ScienceDaily

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On fossil beaked whales, phosphorites and ocean floors

In 2007, the vessel Anita was fishing with bottom gillnets in about 400m-deep waters northwest of the island of Mykines in the Faroe Islands (about 62˚05’N-09˚28’W). One day, fisherman Bjarni Jacobsen from the village of Sumba in the Faroe Islands, … Continue reading

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Extinct early whales listened like their relatives on land, fossil evidence shows

Whales show surprisingly vast differences in hearing ability. Baleen whales tune into infrasonic sounds to communicate over long distances. Toothed whales do just the opposite, relying on ultrasonic frequencies too high for humans to hear. Now researchers have fossil evidence … Continue reading

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Whales only recently evolved into giants when changing ice, oceans concentrated prey

A team of scientists have traced the evolution of whale size through more than 30 million years of history and found that very large whales appeared along several branches of the family tree about 2 to 3 million years ago. … Continue reading

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Baleen whales’ ancestors were toothy suction feeders

Modern whales’ ancestors probably hunted and chased down prey, but somehow, those fish-eating hunters evolved into filter-feeding leviathans. An analysis of a 36.4-million-year-old whale fossil suggests that before baleen whales lost their teeth, they were suction feeders that most likely … Continue reading

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Sharks of Whale Valley (or should that be whales of Shark Valley?)

Leaving behind the noise and pollution of Cairo, the drive across the monotonous buff desert comes almost as a relief. After passing through the lush farmlands of the Fayum Oasis and back out onto the desert plains, the first sign … Continue reading

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Massive sea lizards once hunted dinosaur whales in Antarctica

Massive sea lizards once hunted dinosaur whales in Antarctica Antarctica was once home to a 10-metre long sea monster that hunted the reptilian equivalent of whales at the end of the dinosaur age, scientists have discovered. The mosasaur, a huge … Continue reading

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Whales in the desert?

A paleontologist encases a whale fossil In Cerro Colorado, located in the Ica Desert of Peru, sedimentary sequences dating back nine million years have been found to host the fossil skeletons of hundreds of marine vertebrates. In 2008, remains of … Continue reading

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