Tag Archives: workers

Construction Workers Unearth Rare Fossil in Thornton, Colorado

Construction crews uncovered a rare dinosaur fossil in Thornton on Friday,(Photo: City of Thornton) A construction crew unearthed a triceratops skeleton and skull at a construction site in Thornton on Friday. Paleontologists from the Denver Museum of Nature and Science … Continue reading

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Oil patch workers stumble upon massive new ‘complete find’ dinosaur fossil

A 10-metre-long fossilized dinosaur was found by a pipeline crew working southwest of Spirit River, Alta., on Tuesday. (Courtesy: Tourmaline Oil Corp.) 10-metre fossil found by pipeline inspection crew working near Spirit River Experts are calling a dinosaur fossil unearthed … Continue reading

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Town facing layoffs thanks pope for addressing workers

P(see related) (ANSA) – Piombino, April 23 – The mayor of a Tuscan town facing mass layoffs thanked Pope Francis for his words to workers there on Wednesday.BR”I hope they inspire those tasked with finding a solution,” said Piombino Mayor … Continue reading

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Pope urges help for unemployed workers

P(ANSA) – Vatican City, April 23 – Pope Francis said Wednesday that “every effort” and “generosity” must be applied to help those who have lost their jobs. “Do not stand with folded hands,” the pope said at his weekly audience … Continue reading

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Two kidnapped Italian workers freed in Libya

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-5a7894e19ec456f1e88714698e08f140.jpg” IMG class=hide alt=”Two kidnapped Italian workers freed in Libya” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-5a7894e19ec456f1e88714698e08f140.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, February 7 – Two Italian construction workers kidnapped in Libya last month have been freed, Foreign Minister Emma Bonino said Friday with “great … Continue reading

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Government inspection turns up illegal Chinese workers

(ANSA) – Teramo, December 5 – Authorities shut down a packaging company near the central Italian city of Teramo for employing two Chinese workers illegally and for health code violations, police sources said Thursday. The company, which operates in an … Continue reading

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Average worker’s salary drop 832 euros over year

(ANSA) – Rome, November 29 – The average salaries of employed workers in Italy in the past two years has dropped by 64 euros a month, passing from an average of 1,328 euros a month to 1,264 euros a month, … Continue reading

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Survey says Italian employers can’t find skilled workers

(ANSA) – Brussels, November 22 – Italian employers are finding it hard to fill certain technical and skilled positions despite the country’s deep recession and high rates of unemployment, according to a survey released Friday by Unioncamere, representing chambers of … Continue reading

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