Tag Archives: XXIII

John XXIII, from northern farmers’ family to pope

P(by Manuela Tulli) (ANSA) – Rome, April 23 – As a child, Angelo Roncalli was poor but happy.BRThe future pontiff’s human and spiritual adventure started in a family of farmers in the northern town of Sotto il Monte near Bergamo … Continue reading

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John Paul II, John XXIII ‘brave’

P(ANSA) – Vatican City, April 27 – John Paul II and John XXII were “two brave men,” Pope Francis said in his homily at their canonisation Sunday. “They were not afraid to bow to the suffering and scourges of mankind, … Continue reading

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John Paul II, John XXIII changed world

P(By Giovanna Chirri) (ANSA) – Vatican City, April 22 – Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli – the pope who started the Second Vatican Council and died in 1963 – and Karol Wojtyla – who was pontiff during the Cold War and the … Continue reading

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