The healthy body, gymnastics for people who use pc

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”” IMG class=”hide” alt=”Il Corpo Sano, ginnastica per chi usa pc” src=””(ANSAmed) – Nicosia, FEB 7 – the day of the opening of the Olympic Games in Sochi, the University of Turin launches the project ‘Healthy’ body, tips and exercises for anyone who spends many hours per pc.P”We believe that we we must invent a new ‘social’ gymnastics, who knows how to interpret the needs of physical conditioning that is the team,” says Renata Freccero, scholar, Professor of Suism and organizer of the project. On the web, #hackUnito./PPTestimonies of Olympic Livio Berruti and artist Ugo Nespolo./PIMG id=”mediaViewer” title=”” alt=”” src=””ALL rights reserved

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