Union chief backs support for Electrolux’s Italian factories

IMG class=hide alt=”Union chief backs support for Electrolux’s Italian factories” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-a4122d3bae11f5f7edf865835890be69.jpg” (ANSA) – Padua, March 21 – CISL trade union chief Raffaele Bonanni urged the Italian government Friday to support the survival of home appliance maker Electrolux in Italy. P”Putting Electrolux back on its feet (means) saving a piece of history”, Bonanni said outside a union conference. “We will give very strong signs of support for Electrolux”./PPThe government said that funding will be available through a solidarity fund that received an additional 15 million euros./PPThe fund was created for such crises as the job situation at Electrolux, said the Minister for Economic Development Federica Guidi./PPThe Swedish multinational has announced plans to cut salaries in its four Italian factories by about 15% over the next three years. The company says this is the only way to ensure that its products, which include fridges and washing machines, can compete against those produced in lower-wage markets around the world./P
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