Volunteers say number of women murdered rose in 2013

IMG class=hide alt=”Volunteers say number of women murdered rose in 2013″ src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-33c2ad9382718607910fd1c1ff414f89.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, March 7 – On the eve of International Women’s Day, informal statistics gathered by volunteers and released on Friday suggested an increase in the number of murders of woman last year. PAccording to a Bologna woman’s shelter, 134 females were murdered in Italy in 2013, higher than the annual average of 116 murders when rates for the previous nine years were assembled./PPThe informal survey found that in 70% of cases where women were murdered, the culprits were men, with a high number in the age group of 36 to 45 years./PPIn 58% of cases last year, the accused killer was a current or former partner of the victim./PPThe survey also found that prostitutes were not necessarily more likely to be victims as the number reported murdered last year was 13./PPThe statistics came as police arrested a man Friday for allegedly killing a woman and son after a vicious sexual assault earlier this week in Milan./PPAlso Friday, a 44-year-old man was arrested in the death of his wife who was pushed down the stairs in her home./PPThe problem of violence against women must be dealt with through better education and a more positive media presentation of women, said House Speaker Laura Boldrini./PP”The issue is…complex and cultural and each must do its part, including the media, where often the woman is represented as a secondary figure,” Boldrini said outside a conference in Todi./PPShe added that she felt “optimistic” of change because she said that young people are open to new attitudes “and are ready to do their part”./PPBoldrini herself has been the target of some gender-related abuse and threats of violence from political opponents. Earlier this week, the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Commissioner Nils Muiznieks defined as “clearly misogynistic” an online post by 5-Star Movement (M5S) head Beppe Grillo criticizing Boldrini./PPThe post in question contained a video with the title: “What would you do alone in a car with Boldrini?”, which showed a man driving and talking to a cut-out of the Speaker./PPIt followed Boldrini’s unprecedented decision to stop a filibuster by members of the M5S. Boldrini has also been the target of threats and insults from the anti-immigration Northern League since taking office in March 2013./PPBoldrini, the former spokeswoman for the UN refugee agency, has made no secret of wanting to use her position to promote women’s issues and gender equality./P
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