Water break pregnancy due to bacteria

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/wpid-eee565c9bbca769ad513a74605dc9c75.jpg” IMG class=”hide” alt=”Rottura acque gravidanza a causa batteri” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/wpid-eee565c9bbca769ad513a74605dc9c75.jpg”(ANSAmed) – Rome, January 10 – may be some bacteria to cause early breakage of water in pregnant women, a phenomenon that underlies a third of preterm birth. This was stated by Duke University study published in the journal Plos One. “If we can understand that some bacteria are associated with premature rupture of the membrane,” explains Amy Murtha, one of the authors – can make a projection of these microorganisms in the pregnancy early and treated with antibiotics to women suffering. “” IMG id=”mediaViewer” title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/wpid-trasp29.gif” /IMGAll rights reserved

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