‘Web porn blackmail’ probed in Bolzano
IMG class=hide alt=”‘Web porn blackmail’ probed in Bolzano” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-9c0031fa669ab47e0abfed0453f94f691.jpg” (ANSA) – Bolzano, February 14 – Police in this northern Italian city said Friday they had received a dozen complaints this week from alleged victims of Web porn blackmail on social-media sites. PIn the alleged scam, police said, users believing they were communicating with like-minded clients were asked to film their private parts and strike sexual poses./PPThe suspected gang then demanded money for not posting the videos, police said./PPPolice advised visitors to social-media sites to be cautious, stressing that Webcam footage can easily be used against those who film it./P
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