What is the difference between rock, mineral, ore and metal?

Rocks– A rock is made up of 2 or more minerals. You need minerals to make rocks, but you don’t need rocks to make minerals. All rocks are made of minerals.
For example, granite is a mixture of the minerals quartz, feldspar, and biotite.
Some rocks made of only  one mineral like Limestone made of calcite 

Minerals– A mineral is composed of the same substance throughout. There are more than 3000 different minerals in the world. Minerals are made of chemicals – either a single chemical element or a combination of chemical elements.
Difference between rock and mineral- A rock is made up of 2 or more minerals, whereas a mineral is composed of the same substance throughout.

Ore– A mineral occurring in sufficient quantity and containing enough metal to permit its recovery and extraction at a profit. Or, a mineral or an aggregate of minerals from which a valuable constituent, especially a metal, can be profitably mined or extracted is an ore.
Metal– An alloy of two or more metallic elements.

Therefore, Rocks have minerals, which in large concentration are called ores and these are mined for metals!

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