Windows Xp, the bodywork of the pension

PCountdown for Windows XP. The Microsoft operating system from April 8 to withdraw and not to receive security updates, such as announced from time to Redmond. But it is still very popular in computers in the world. Companies family members, ATMs, in the public administration. And the deadline is generating many fears that thousands of computers become, in one night, vulnerable to viruses and hackers./PPWindows XP was released by Microsoft in October 2001, Microsoft has begun to warn in 2007 that would have ended the “life cycle”. Meanwhile it has been replaced by Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. However it is still widely used. According to NetMarketShare, it is still present in approximately 30% of the computers in the world. In Italy, Idc estimated that almost 24% of the companies that work with XP for more than 80% of business units. In addition, according to the company, 66% of the local public administration has a fleet with more than 50% of XP./PP”In Italy we work with many institutions of the Central Government and local to help trace routes of migration to new versions of Windows that are fulfilling their needs”, explains Claudia Bancroft, Windows division-Italy Director of Microsoft. The many partners that we formed in recent months are supporting us on this path and are offering their knowledge and capillarity in the territory to achieve even the most peripheral bodies.

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