Young, healthy, maybe pregnant wolf shot dead with rifle

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”” IMG class=hide alt=”Young, healthy, maybe pregnant wolf shot dead with rifle” src=”” (ANSA) – Chieti, March 17 – A four-year-old, apparently healthy and possibly pregnant grey wolf was found dead of multiple gunshot wounds, including one to the forehead, in the hills of the Abruzzo region of Italy, forest rangers said Monday. PThe body was found by horseback riders from the nearby village of Pizzoferrato, and taken by forest rangers for testing. “This was a barbaric act. Instead of safeguarding the land and its biodiversity, there are those who would do anything to destroy it, in every possible way,” said Pizzoferrato Mayor Palmerino Fagnilli, who accompanied forest rangers to the site where the body was found./PPGiven its condition, the shooting probably took place 2-3 days ago, rangers said./PPThe grey wolf is a protected species in Italy./PIMG id=mediaViewer title=”” alt=”” src=””ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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